Humorous Quotes

Text Quotes
When all else fails take a nap (Humorous Quotes)
Nailed it (Humorous Quotes)
So close, yet so far away (Humorous Quotes)
I have no idea what I'm doing (Humorous Quotes)
Lazy rule: Can't reach it. Don't need it (Humorous Quotes)
I'll sleep when i'm dead (Humorous Quotes)
It's behind me isn't it (Humorous Quotes)
I Child-Proofed My House But They Still Get In (Humorous Quotes)
Life is short, eat dessert first (Humorous Quotes)
I have so much to do that I'm going to bed (Humorous Quotes)
I miss you. The old you. The new one sucks (Humorous Quotes)
Today the dog. Tomorrow the world (Humorous Quotes)
Instagram is down, just describe your lunch to me (Humorous Quotes)
You idiot! I’m sure you’re right, but why? (Humorous Quotes)
Totally worth it (Humorous Quotes)
Men go shopping to buy what they need. Women go shopping to find out what they want (Humorous Quotes)
I'd say the negotiations went much better than expected, bedtime was pushed back 10 minutes (Humorous Quotes)
Let just skip the bowl and put the food directly in my mouth (Humorous Quotes)
Mom told me not to touch it (Humorous Quotes)
I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything I thought it could be (Humorous Quotes)
I love you. Liar! (Humorous Quotes)
Now I can get fat (Humorous Quotes)
Well, I am not usually one for speeches. So, goodbye (Humorous Quotes)
I still have no idea what I'm doing (Humorous Quotes)
Unless you are a pizza, the answer is yes, I can live without you (Humorous Quotes)
But mooooom (Humorous Quotes)
Cat logic. Full. Empty (Humorous Quotes)
Girls checking out men. Men checking out girls Daaaaamn!! (Humorous Quotes)
Me at night (Humorous Quotes)
Friends are therapists you can drink with (Humorous Quotes)